Improvisieren –
das Unverhersehbare Tun


conference at the Institute for Theatre Studies, Free University Berlin


client: Zentrum für Bewegungsforschung (ZFB)
scope: poster and invitation


Improvising the conference – the unpredictable act investigates the conditions for this (un-)predictability, for this (im-)possibility.

What is the allegedly predictable anyway, in contrast to improvisation? Which abilities are required, and which demands must be met? Which categories are available for describing, and which criteria for judging? To what extent does this artistic practice involve the audience? And how do the arts and sciences relate to the aporetic moments of improvisation?


Lecturers: Georg Bertram (Berlin), Roland Borgards (Gießen), Christopher Dell (Berlin), Kai van Eikels (Berlin), Markus Krajewski (Weimar), Edgar Landgraf (Bowling Green / Salzburg), Friederike Lampert (Hamburg), Sylvia Sasse (Berlin), Sandro Zanetti (Berlin).